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The Query

Oct 18, 2018

"It's hard to regret anything that's taught, shown, or revealed something to you - especially relationships." ~ Robert Pruitt.
In our quest to seek out the new - before moving forward - Pruitt encourages us to seek clarity about what we've learned from the old. We talk re-engaging love, dating, and marriage...

Oct 4, 2018

Data scientists believe the art of modern dating to be lost. We invite Robert Pruitt: life coach, author, and international motivational speaker, to guide us back to foundational principles of dating, and relationships. Are our beliefs sabotaging our success? Are we clear about the rules and messages upon which we live...

Jul 26, 2018

What keeps us from experiencing the love we say we want? We answer listener questions... and discuss: resolving guilt, the importance of honesty, loyalty to family patterns, staying together for the kids, unhealthy marriages, the courage to walk away, the pain of staying, how to stop blowing up our lives... and...

Jul 13, 2018

"Love isn't all we need. We need direction." That's what Ken Kizer: spiritual life coach, expert leader in conscious breathwork, relationships, and astrology, wants us to know. In this first two-part episode of our 'Men, Wisdom, Love & Relationships' series–Ken directs us on finding the love of our...

Apr 12, 2018

Inspired by the Caroline Myss TEDx Talk ‘Choices that can Change your Life’ we
discuss the principle and power of Choice.
Mainly you’ll hear about:
- the energetic distinction between choice and decision
- different types of choices and why they matter
- how belief systems drive the direction of our choices
- the...